義眼的保養與維修 Artificial eye mantainens and repair
We recommend our customer come back to visit us on a regular time schedule.
We also suggest our customer to take care of his or her own artificial eye on daily bases.
1. 台灣義眼研究所的產品不需經常取下洗滌,睡覺時也不需取出:
Our artificial eye does not require constant cleansing, and you can wear it to bed:
Our artificial eye fits perfectly at the fundus oculi, as a result, secretions and gum will be crowd out and eliminate from eye socket automatically. Inappropriate removal of artificial eye may increase the possibility for eye to infect with inflammation and irritation.
2. 早上洗臉後的清潔方式:
由眼角外部 (臉頰側) 橫向內側 (鼻樑側) 擦拭,清除義眼上的眼屎,並點一次眼藥水。
Daily maintenance after you washes your face in the morning:
Wipe the gum off the artificial eye from outside corner to inside corner of the eye(from cheek to nose), apply eye drops on the artificial eye.
3. 清洗與消毒:
- 自來水清洗,易造成細菌感染。高濃度的酒精或溶劑,易造成材質表面龜裂,損害義眼。
- 居家請用煮沸過的水,或生理食鹽水清洗,裝入眼腔後再點一次眼藥即可。
- Do not wash your artificial eye with tap water; tap water may cause your eye socket infection.
- Do not wash your artificial eye with alcohol liqued; it may damage the surface of the artificial eye.
- Wash your artificial with distilled water or physiological saline; apply eye drops again after you put the artificial eye back to the eye socket.
4. 不宜長期使用含類固醇之眼藥水與藥膏:
- 失明的眼睛就算沒有眼球存在,使用的藥物多少都會對另一健眼產生影響,尤其是有青光眼的患者,使用錯誤的藥品較容易引起眼壓升高。失明之眼若仍有眼球,並沒有完全萎縮時,也有可能會發生眼壓升高的狀況。
- 可使用含磺胺劑成份的眼藥水,與只含抗生素成份的眼藥膏。
- 若有磺胺過敏情況,可改用保養性的眼藥水或生理食鹽水及抗生素藥膏。
Apply proper eye drops/eye ointment on your artificial eye:
- Avoid eye drops/eye ointments that contain steroids: Without doctor’s description, please do not apply eye drops/eye ointment that contains steroids ingredients on either healthy or unhealthy eye. Especially those glaucoma sufferers, steroids ingredients may cause intraocular pressure to either healthy or unhealthy eye.
- Sulfa/antibiotics ingredients eye drops/eye ointment is ok for daily usage.
- Physiological saline or antibiotics eye drops/eye ointment can be used as replacement if the consumer is sulfa allergic.
5. 用藥原則:白天(醒著)用藥水、晚上(躺著)用藥膏。
- 白天用藥水:除有消炎的作用外亦可沖洗出細菌、灰塵。如果躺著用藥水除無法流出而達到沖洗效果。且因眼腔黏膜組織吸收了過多的水份,導致隔天眼腔腫脹、不舒服。
- 晚上藥膏:除有消炎且有潤滑、舒適的效果。白天用藥膏易黏著灰塵,亦因為含有油質,使義眼表面及眼眶周圍看起來濕黏,不甚美觀。
Eye drops/eye ointment dos and don'ts:
- Apply eye drops during daytime; apply eye ointment at nighttime.
- Eye drops: Eye drops can wash off germs and dust from the eye socket. Do not apply it before bed or when you are laying down, the eye drops that contain dust and germs will be absorb by mucous membrane, and makes your eye swelling the next day.
- Eye ointment: Eye ointment can reduce inflammation, and lubricate the artificial eye. Do not apply it during daytime, the oily texture will stick dust on the artificial eye and make the appearance less pleasant.
6. 當發生下面狀況時, 請您定期回診:
- 義眼表層常有白色沉積物附著,使表面粗糙,造成不適也影響美觀. 本所提供拋光服務,數分鐘即可回復原狀。
- 義眼外觀有變化,應立即回診並檢修:義眼配戴後2至3年可維持正常狀態。若義眼外觀有變小、變大、移位轉動、或脫出,均係義眼腔產生之變化。先經醫師診治後,再由醫師指示義眼師修正。
- 眼屎分泌物增多:由眼腔萎縮或增生造成義眼不合造成磨擦或由於細菌感染引起發炎,需回診請醫師診治。
Come back to visit us when the following situation occurs:
- As time goes on, artificial eye will be covered with white secretions, and becomes rough on the surface. We suggest you come back to visit us for a couple of minutes, we offer free polish for your artificial eye.
- Eye socket will change when consumer aging, eye socket will become bigger or subside under different circumstances; repeat purchase/ remodel of artificial eye is required. We suggest you to go to your eye doctor for more information/ instruction before pay us a visit.
- Gum and secretions amount increase:When eye socket subside, friction between eye socket and artificial eye occurs , we suggest you to go to your eye doctor for more information/ instruction before pay us a visit.
義眼之裝入與取出 Artificial eye installation and take out :
- 裝入:
一般義眼的形狀,靠鼻樑處較尖。只要將義眼較尖處朝向鼻樑,就是正確的方向裝入時。眼先向下看,一手將上眼瞼向上抬起,另手將義眼固定方向後,輕輕推入上眼腔,再輕輕將下眼瞼往下拉,義眼就會滑入眼腔中。完成後請再點一次眼藥,清潔並預防發炎。 - Installation:
In general, the sharper edge should point toward the column of the nose. Please look down before installation, and pull the upper eyelid up with one hand. Steadily push the artificial eye in to upper eye socket, then pull the under eyelid up to cover the artificial eye, at this stage, artificial eye will slide into the eye socket. Please apply some eye drops in the eye socket after all the process done. - 取出:
取出步驟與裝入步驟相反。先用一手輕扶住假眼正面,往上略提。另手把下眼瞼往下拉,義眼就會滑出。由於不同的眼腔有時不易取出,可用硬式隱形眼鏡用的吸盤(盤面沾一滴眼藥水)吸住再取。取出後請再點眼藥水把眼腔清潔乾淨。 - Take out:
Use one hand to hold the artificial eye surface and pull up. Use another hand to pull the under eyelid down, at this stage, artificial eye will slide out from the eye socket. In special occasion, contact lenses sucking disc can also be used to pull out the artificial eye (put some eye drop on the sucking disc will make the removal process more fluent). Please apply some eye drops in the eye socket after all the process done.
其他注意事項 Others:
- 若取出義眼清理後應立即放回眼腔中;夜間義眼亦不可隨意取出休息:眼腔空置,會導致腔內肌肉增生,一但發生,會導致眼腔變小,義眼放不回去。常見晚上取出,早上裝不回的實例。
- 眼部或眼以外的外科手術需要取出義眼時:
Do not leave your artificial eye unused:
- Please install the artificial eye back to the eye socket right after cleansing: Wear the artificial eye even during sleeping. Eye socket will atrophy in a very short period once the eye socket is empty. It occurs that the artificial eye cannot be put back in the morning, as the eye socket is smaller than the night before.
- Please install the artificial eye right after eye surgery:After eye surgery, we strongly recommend consumer to put back the artificial eye as soon as possible, or ask us for a proper size conformer as a replacement. If not, the eye socket will atrophy, and the artificial eye cannot be put back.